Members José A. Centeno, MSc, PhD, FRSC Toxicology (Chemical and Environmental) USA Robert B. Finkelman, PhD Geology USA Laura Börgel, MD Occupational Medicine, Toxicology CHILE Jacques Gardon, MD, PhD Environmental Epidemiology FRANCE Nghargbu K’tso, PhD Geology NIGERIA Jesús M. Ochoa-Rivero, MSc Environmental and Agricultural Sciences MEXICO Melissa Schulthess, VMD, MSc Veterinary Sciences and Epidemiology CHILE Diane Smith, PhD Materials Science USA Gijsbert B. van der Voet, PhD Clinical Toxicology THE NETHERLANDS Nan Lin, PhD Environmental Health CHINA Saverio Fiore, PhD Geochemistry ITALY Prosun Bhattacharya, PhD Sedimentary Geochemistry SWEDEN Kim Dowling, PhD Applied Geochemistry, Sustainable minning and Environmental Management AUSTRALIA Julian Ijumulana, PhD Land and Water Resources Engineering SWEDEN Iskhak Farkhutdinov, PhD Medical Geology and Geothermal Renewable Energy RUSSIA Ana Rita Gonçalves Neves Lopes Salgueiro, PhD Environmental and Applied Geology BRAZIL Alexys Giorgia Friol Boim, PhD Environmental and Medical Geochemistry BRAZIL Emmanuel Arhin, PhD Applied Geology GHANA