Professor Prosun Bhattacharya
Professor of Groundwater Chemistry
Coordinator, KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden.
Prosun Bhattacharya
Prosun Bhattacharya (1962), holds a PhD in Sedimentary Geochemistry from University of Delhi, India (1990). Besides KTH, he also held an Adjunct Professor at University of Southern Queensland, Australia between 2016 and 2019. Since January 2020, he is appointed as Affiliate Scientist at the KWR Watercycle Research Institute in the Netherlands. His primary research interests address the challenges with arsenic, fluoride and geogenic contaminants in groundwater and drinking water treatment in different parts of the world. He has collaborative research engagements with several universities and research organizations across the world. He is leading the Sida funded bilateral Research Capacity Building programs between Sweden and Tanzania as well as Sweden and Bolivia, focusing on drinking water contamination from groundwater sources and treatment. He has coordinated the prestigious Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency supported action research and implementation project “Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation-SASMIT” Community driven initiatives to target arsenic safe groundwater as sustainable mitigation strategy in Bangladesh (2007-2017). He is currently leading a project on “Enhancing private sector capacity for scaling up access to safe drinking water – policy, systems strengthening and sustainable service delivery” in collaboration with UNICEF-Bangladesh. He has authored/co-authored over 500 international publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, cited more than 19,000 times (Google Scholar and Google h-index 70) and i10-index of 225. He has organized several international workshops on natural arsenic in groundwater and sustainable mitigation and edited 12 books on diverse aspects of natural arsenic in groundwater and groundwater for sustainable development until 2022. He is serving the Elsevier in the different editorial capacities since 2009, as Editor in Chief of Groundwater for Sustainable Development, and Associate Editor of Journal of Hydrology and Frontiers in Environmental Sciences. He has been honored as the Fellow of the Geological Society of America in April, 2012 and the International Water Association (IWA Fellow) in September 2018. He has been conferred with the “STE International Achiever Award, 2019” by the Save the Environment Foundation in recognition of his distinguished work in the field of Environmental Geochemistry and Water Quality Analysis as well as the widely acclaimed research on groundwater management has triggered path breaking research and several projects and your scientific accomplishments. He is been selected as the recipient of the prestigious George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award 2021 instituted by the Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America.
Since March 2020, he is actively working with the global initiative on the wastewater based epidemiology as a global collaborative effort to maximize contributions in the fight against COVID-19 which involves the academic, government, research institutions and the Community based organizations. He has recently voted by the Council of the Geological Society of America to serve the GSA International Committee as Member-at-Large for the four-year term 1 July 2021-30 June 2025.